I May Have a New Home…
I don’t know where to start. This whirlwind all happened so quickly… stars aligned… the timing was right… I laughed… I cried… the whole process took less than one week. So now I can say “J” & I are homeowners.

Early April // I bookmark a house in our desired neighbourhood on my iPad. Do nothing about it because it was out of our price range.
May 3 // Realize there is no sales activity in our desired neighbourhood, except for this one house I had bookmarked. “J” decides we should at least go see it. I object. I hate going to see houses that are out of price-range. He books an appointment anyways.

May 5 // The sun is out. It’s a gorgeous day. We go to my nephews ball hockey game. I crave tacos because it’s Cinco de Mayo. We tour the house. It’s love at first sight.
May 6 // We tour the house, again. I want to be sure I love it that much. I do. We make a firm offer. $15,000 under asking. Fingers crossed, we head back to my house. One hour later “J’s” phone rings. Rejected. I cry.
May 7 // We get a call from the real estate agent saying they would like to negotiate, and have come down $10,000. We stay firm, and say no. The agent says ok. It’s a dead deal.

May 8 // I give up all hope. Mid-afternoon I get a cal from “J” who tells me… they accepted our offer! The paperwork begins.
I am trying to contain my excitement because it’s not “officially” ours yet. We still have to pass the inspection this afternoon, and make it through the financing.
Yup, still shaking in disbelief that we have finally bought a “Dream Home.”